Looking backwards to look forward

Amy Belisle

people remember and share the past, we must enter into the conversation or
discussion understanding the idea that people remember the past differently
based upon the lens through which they are viewing their experience. The past must be remembered and shared across
a multigenerational level - if the future is to turn the page on the past. Throughout the city of Londonderry or Derry,
there are reminders of the past and the hope of the future. The murals serve as reminders of the troubles
experienced over the climax of the conflict in Northern Ireland. Within the murals you can learn the story of
a young girl who was killed because she leaned down to collect a rubber bullet,
a young boy wearing a gas mask, not to protect himself from the tear gas;
rather to protect himself from being identified by the police, and the goal of
the future – sustained peace. The Bloody
Sunday monument tells the story of where 14 individuals lost their lives and 15
individuals who were injured. The action of remembering the past must be to
share experiences as a fulcrum to defining a new future. The action of remembering the past we must
not assign a sense of fact or fiction to what has been shared. The message about the role of the past has
been consistent from Peter Garvin, Charlie and James, in that the past must be
shared with the younger generations to help reshape the future. These individuals are bench marks for
leaders, more specifically, servant leaders within their communities working
towards restorative justice and on some level forgiveness – through education
and the sharing of their experiences during the times of trouble.

basic premise of servant leadership is that the desire to lead should be rooted
in the desire to serve those within one’s sphere of influence. The intent of restorative justice is to focus
justice on the needs of the victims and the offenders. In this context, the relationship between
servant-leadership, restorative justice and forgiveness becomes apparent. What
links these three elements together is the idea of hope and faith – hope for
the future and faith in a better future; hope for and faith in the greater
good. Without the elements of hope and
faith the basic premise of servant-leadership, restorative justice and
forgiveness will not come to fruition.
The relationship is such that without leading from a place of service
for the greater good, one becomes more aware of the need for restorative
justice over retributive justice. A leader
who is grounded in service for the greater good with a future oriented
perspective, restorative justice becomes an intrinsic perspective to managing
and resolving conflict – especially when harm has been the output of the
conflict. Through the efforts of Peter,
James and Charlie sharing their messages held within the past serve as a
guidepost for a future grounded in restorative justice and forgiveness.
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